Board Exams Cancelled. Institutions to remain closed till July 15

Board Exams Cancelled

Board Exams Cancelled all across Pakistan and Educational Institutes shall remain close till 15th of July, 2020.

The Government of Pakistan (GoP) has just announced the cancellation of all board examinations across the country becuase of coronavirus pandemic.

Islamabad : Federal Education Minister, Mr Shafqat Mehmood on announced the cancellation of all board exams across the country on Thursday as part of measures to stop the spread of pandemic of COVID-I9, ARY News reported.

Speaking after the NCC or National Coordination Committee meeting in Islamabad, he stated that it has been agreed by all in the meeting that all educational institutions shall remain closed till July 15, 2020.

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Metric and FSc Students seems to be so much happy with the government for this decision (board exams cancelled and some are still afraid that Government would take a U-Turn. What are your thoughts about it? Let us know in the comments section below!

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